Content makes the world go round
Why spend a fortune on advertisements if we all fundamentally agree that this isn’t what consumers are looking for in the first place! We’ve just spent the last chapters working towards the conclusion that good content is what consumers do want, and so that’s where our focus should lie. That’s absolutely fine, if the content increases brand value or effectively promotes the distinguishing factor of the product. But, first and foremost, it is the value for the consumer that matters most. And doesn’t ‘creating content’ simply cost a whole lot of money?
A flying start
In 2014, one of the world’s leading beer brands, Carlsberg, decided to take matters into its own hands. The company, with over 500 local brands worldwide, made the daring judgement call to move all of its content marketing activities ‘in house’. A creative strategist and a journalist with a background in the music industry were at the heart of the global content strategy, aided by an entire network of freelancers. Perhaps a modest beginning if you measure the set-up against the sheer size of the company, but it soon proved its worth. Take a look at the video from 2015, for instance, in which Carlsberg announces that